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RISPAL Paris — Réédition de luminaires iconiques des années 50

The story of the Double Boomerang

The 50’s served as a turning point in the history of interior and furniture design.  Design broke from the Elite world and became popular.  Artistic genres blended together in a desire to live in harmony with the time period.
Influential works originated then from Scandinavia, England, or Italy when model #11.400 first launched in 1951. It is quickly called the “boomerang” suspension because of its two distinctive wooden pieces recalling the shape of a boomerang.

Designed by the Rispal in-house team, the suspension is a direct influence from Louis Sognot. Today we have decided to bring back the iconic piece from the “formes nouvelles” Rispal line.

In order to differentiate the vintage pieces from the new ones and for aesthetic purposes, we have designed a new canopy and retouched the turned-wood pieces to achieve a more elegant and minimal design. The plastic electric wire has been replaced with a cloth-covered one.